Friday 1 February 2013

The Navimag

So far on this trip we have taken endless buses and one plane to travel around but last week we opted for a more sedate form of travel and spent 4 days and nights travelling through the Chilean fjords on a Navimag ferry. Starting from Puerto Natales in Patagonia we slowly travelled north to Puerto Montt. It was a fantastic way to see a very remote and uninhabited area of the world. Our ferry, The Evangelistas, was pretty basic and we even got to share it with a truck full of cattle. They spent their 4 days in considerable less comfort than we did and were noisy (and smelly) enough to remind everyone they were there.

There were 3 levels of the ship to explore. One for the cabins, one for the canteen and one for the pub. Not exactly the QE2 but as you spent most of your time on deck gawping at the scenery or looking for wildlife it didn’t really matter. And both the scenery and the wildlife were awesome, we got to see sea lions, dolphins, glaciers and a volcano spewing ash. However, the highlight for me was seeing whales. We were told that there were some areas were we might see whales so we knew when to be on the lookout. And they were there. You could spot their breathing/fountain/blow-hole things from a long way away and you were hoping they would choose that moment to jump out of the water or flick their tales in the air. Unfortunately, they did neither. Despite the fact that I have only seen the top of a whale and the water it shot into the air it was one of the coolest wildlife things I’ve ever seen.

A Whale

How to stay amused
Another way to stay amused

Obviously, spending 4 days on a boat you hope that the people you meet will be good fun and we were really lucky in that regard and we spent our days with some great people. The passengers were an odd mix of backpackers, retirees and locals but there was a lovely atmosphere on the boat. Like any good cruise there were games and co-ordinated activities; kareoke on the first night (including a storming version of Gangstas Paradise by yours truly) and a latin disco on the last night. The disco coincided wonderfully with Millie’s birthday so there was singing at midnight and free pisco sours at the bar to help the celebrations. 
Boy Band 1
Boy Band 2
Our Shipmates
28 and considerably more sensible
I would recommend anyone who is travelling this part of the world to take this trip. It did get a bit choppy when we hit open water and it turns out hangovers and rough seas are a TERRIBLE combination but it is a great change of pace and a wonderful way to see a part of the world you wouldn’t normally see.


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