Wednesday 5 December 2012

Spot the Taittinger

Flying is boring & dull. Sitting in a chair for 12 hours watching films you ignored in the cinema is not my idea of a good time. Granted, we were on the way to Rio de Janeiro so I imagine sympathy for my plight would be hard to come by. However, this flight was far from dull.

Step forward, 'the gay' & 'the girl' (names given to them by 'the girl' I must add). They shall remain nameless as their employer may not appreciate all of their antics. All I know is they made our flight a joy. It started with the little things. Extra pretzels, wine recommendations, expert control of the drunk Brazillian chap by the emergency exit and bitchiness towards annoying passengers that would make grown men cry. I can say we made friends with our anonymous attendants however what came next went beyond the call of duty.

I've never flown business class. Am unlikely to fly first class. However, drinking a bottle of champagne stolen from first class by our new friends in real glasses (made of glass!) in the rear galley of the plane is what I call living the high life. What was made even better was an appearance in the galley by our drunk Brazilian friend. This prompted an urgent need to hide the champagne before he spotted it - fyi, he had been banned from booze by this point in the flight.

Can you spot the bottle?? If you can you did better than our emergency exit dwelling friend. The bottle stayed hidden, we drunk the rest of the contents and thoroughly enjoyed the rest of the flight. I tip my hat to 'the gay' and 'the girl'. Nicely played, and I am already hoping you are working our return flight.


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