Wednesday 5 December 2012

Errors of the day: volume one

We may have only been here a day but we have learned the following lessons.

1. DO NOT go to Starbucks. It doesn't matter how thirsty you are. There will be a cheaper alternative round the corner. And they'll probably pay their taxes too.
2. ATM WITHDRAWALS ARE A F*CKER. You will have to go to 4 different machines in 3 different banks before you can get cash. Meltdowns about it in the queue can be expected.
3. DO NOT walk home at night. Yes it wasn't far. And yes it didn't take long. But it was stupid. And we could have got the bus for £1.50.
4. DO NOT go to restaurants recommended in a two year old Lonely Planet. The prices will have doubled and will be full of people reading the same guide book.

I'm convinced this will become a recurring post.


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