Wednesday 19 December 2012

Goodbye Brazil, you were brilliant

Today we left Brazil and crossed into Argentina. We only had two weeks in Brazil and to be honest, barely touched the surface. Rio was more wonderful than we could have imagined, Ilha Grande was the desert island paradise we hoped it would be and in Paraty it rained. I guess you can’t have everything.

Ilha Grande
It is hard to comprehend the scale of Brazil until you get here. It is truly enormous. My first impressions; Brazilians love football, tiny pastries filled with meat, bread filled with meat, meat on its own, weak beer and strong caipirinhas. I would love to come back and explore more of Brazil, it has so much more to offer. We’ve met lots of very lovely people and have thoroughly enjoyed every minute.
On Monday we took our first epic bus journey of this trip. 7 hours from Paraty to Sao Paulo, 4 hours in Sao Paulo bus station then 17 hours to Foz de Iguazu. On a map that journey doesn’t really look that far but it sure takes some time. Thankfully the buses are air conditioned and have big comfortable seats that fully recline. And they show films. Terrible films. Our main feature was ‘Friends for Life’. It’s your classic story of a widower raising a pack of wolves while battling an evil property developer. Oh, and there is an Angel named Ralph who helps the widower out. It was absolutely amazing. Enjoy the trailer.

Now we are in Argentina and will visit the Iguassu falls tomorrow. The falls separate Brazil and Argentina and after spending a small time on the Brazil side we got a real taste of what is on store on the Argentinean side. The power of the falls was astonishing and from Argentina you can take a boat right under the falls to get right in there. To make sure we are fully prepared, tonight we will dip into the Steak & Red Wine Fund™ for the first time.


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