Wednesday 2 January 2013

First day of school

Hoy me Espanol no muy bien. Manana? Excellente

I don’t know if that sentence is grammatically correct. Or even correctly spelt. Hopefully, I will soon. This morning we started Spanish classes and I must say I thoroughly enjoyed every minute. Since coming to South America it is fair to say our days have not exactly been filled with purpose. Obviously we have been to some amazing places, eaten some fantastic food (some dodgy stuff too) and met some really cool people. However, the pace of life is your own choosing and life isn’t that taxing on the brain. So, when the alarm went off this morning and we arrived for our class at 8.45 it was a bit of a change of pace. It was a nice change of pace though. It was really nice to be learning something and doing something that makes you think.

The phrasebook
So far our Spanish language attempts have been a combination of gesticulation and carefully planned sentences from the phrasebook. Trouble is, it is all very well planning the perfect Spanish sentence if you don’t have a clue what people are saying back to you. With any luck, these lessons will put us on the right path. So today we spent the afternoon doing our homework and will be back tomorrow morning to conjugate more verbs. That’s a big thing apparently.

Ciao – hasta manana.


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