Wednesday 16 January 2013

Big Ice

On Monday we spent the day doing ‘big ice,’ a trip to the Perito Moreno glacier near El Calafate. It’s the first time we’ve seen anything close to 6am and I wasn’t remotely moody! The first view of the glacier was so impressive, the blue tone to the ice is stunning. We then enjoyed an hour walking around the viewing platforms. It’s one of the only stable glaciers in the world and you can hear the ice creeping forward. The best thing is when a chunk falls off, it is SO loud and sounds like guns firing. We then took a boat across the lake and hiked back from the glacier for an hour. Once fitted with harnesses (in case of crevasse incidents!) and crampons were we good to go and looking pretty hot. We spent three hours trekking on the glacier which I think might be the best thing I’ve ever done. It was just so stunning and way more incredible than I had imagined. We stopped for lunch at a glacier pool and on the way back explored ice caves, crevasses and waterfalls. On the boat on the way back we were surprised with whisky and biscuits which was such a nice touch. Fantástico!


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