Friday 24 May 2013

Viva Colombia!!

We appear to have got a bit lazy with the blog as of late but with the end of our trip fast approaching it seemed an appropriate time for a quick update.

After spending a month in Huanchaco we had about a month left of our trip and Ecuador and Colombia standing between us and our flight home from Bogota. I’m sorry Ecuador, but you got bumped. You (and your Galapagos Islands) may have to wait for another trip. We had met so many people on our trip who had raved and raved about Colombia that we wanted to spend as much time there as possible. And those people weren’t wrong – Colombia may just be our favourite place on the trip.

A 6 hour bus trip outside of Bogota lies Salento. A small town in the rolling hills of the coffee region, this was our first stop. It was a beautiful town to wander around and had fantastic food (discovering peanut butter brownies in a little café called Brunch was a highlight!). We also went on a tour of an organic coffee plantation that took us through the whole coffee making process from start to finish. Needless to say, the coffee we got at the end was incredible.

Medellin today is a city for partying and shopping but for a long time was probably most well known for being home to Pablo Escobar and his Medellin cartel. We went on one of the many tours which take you around the city and explain the history and the damage that was done to the city by the cocaine trade. It was fascinating and terrifying in equal measure.

The part of town we stayed in, Poblado, was like a cross between Kensington and Covent Garden. Little coffee shops, boutiques and bars sit in this small little enclave where all the hostels are and rich people come to play. However, not all the city is like that. This is bought into stark contrast by a cable car extension of the metro system that climbs up the hills of the city over the slums. This was really interesting to see, but basically just amounted to looking at poor people from a distance. Very strange.

Cartagena kind of looks like a film set. I guess it probably has been at times but inside this old walled city sits colonial buildings and narrow cobbled streets that you can wander round for hours.

Caribbean Coast
From Cartagena we spent a good 10 days exploring the Caribbean coast. It was a hard life; jungle fringed white beaches, clear blue seas, nights sleeping in hammocks or cabanas and a lot of topping up the tan. The hills above the coast were also fantastic. It was a welcome break from the heat of the beach and especially awesome when we found The Biggest Hammock in South America™. Most of the time it was paradise. However, neither of us will ever forget the night we spent in a cabana on Playa Blanca as we spent the whole night awake listening, and occasionally seeing, the rats scurrying around our hut!

The Biggest Hammock in South America™

Rat Cabana
Villa de Leyva
Going to Villa de Leyva was recommended to us by a wonderful American couple we met in Huanchaco. They raved so much about this place we were left with little choice but to come check it out. And we weren’t the only ones. We met another couple on the coast who were going to VDL due to the review given to them by a lovely American couple in Peru. Of course, this was the same couple. Cassie and Jason, you need to work for the Colombian Tourist Board.

Thankfully, this place didn’t disappoint. Home to the largest colonial square in South America it is a little like the Colombian Cotswolds; a beautifully preserved step back in time and a great place to relax before our final weekend of the trip. Especially as out hostel had lots of cats. And Kittens. Needless to say, Millie was pleased.

So all that is left now is our final weekend in Bogota. It seems crazy that we are about to hit our final few days but a weekend it Bogota sounds like the perfect way to go out with a bang.


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